Saturday 25 September 2010

Gemma Takes Over

I would like to thank Gemma for taking over the reins of The Famous Goose page. It is an unforgiving task as famous Geese are hard to come by, but I have the utmost confidence that she can step up to the task.

We have already seen Goose from Top Gun in the September edition, but can Gemma top that. You will find out on 11th Ocotber.


So far I have been in contact with Vicky about life with Alex, and also with Matthew about Rome. Hopefully they will be able to give me some content to use for the October edition.

If any more Geese want to contribute just give me a shout and I will see what I can do.

Friday 17 September 2010

Pauline's Part

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pauline for her contribution to the up and coming October edition of Goose Mag.

All submissions are well recieved and the more of you who send stuff to me, the more variety there will be in the magazine - which is what we want.

It can be as wacky, unique or obscure as you want because that is what Goose Mag is all about.

Thursday 16 September 2010

For The New Year

I know it is early, but, hopefully there will be some new features coming to Goose Mag Online where you will be able to cast your votes and decide.

Now, I am not going to reveal anything yet. You will have to wait for 1st January 2011 before you get the chance to see the new online competition.

Hopefully it will all go to plan.

Your Chance To Shine

OK fellow Geese, your help is needed for the October issue of Goose Mag. If you have got a story, a funny tale or anything else that you want to share with the rest of the family, let me know and I will see what I can do for you.

Give me a call/text/email with your stuff - pictures as well - by Saturday 9th October.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

What To Expect

In the first ever edition of Goose Mag Lara talks shark in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them as we kick off the launch of the pilot magazine.

We also have exclusives from Ray and Linda, with their top tips on how to turn wood into cash, and how to live off intriguing.

One feature that I have decided to run is a mock story on Grandma as a mafia boss.

What else can you expect this month? Well, we have two tremendous double page images of Gem and Beav as we look at life after marriage.

But that is not all this month, oh crumbs no. Goose Mag also has a feature on Bobby's cake business where we look at where it all began.

Ronnie talks walks as we discover where he has been walking this month and why he thinks it is so great. What makes him tick?

And we round off the magazine with a feature on Helen and her superb season in bowls. She went unbeaten in the Tameside league and claimed the averages.

But we do not stop there. Look out for the Blast From The Past and The Famous will love it. Read more when you pick up Goose Mag at Grandma's.

Monday 13 September 2010

The Finished Article

It is finally here!

A little later than planned but the first ever edition of Goose Mag has been printed.

Have a look at Grandma's next time you are there.

Sunday 12 September 2010

The Final Furlong

The 13th September is drawing ever closer now and the final pieces for the first ever edition of Goose Mag are being put together - thanks to Gem and Beav. Yes, tomorrow is going to be a huge milestone as the first ever copy lands on Grandma's table at approximately 5pm.

I am really excited, and just hoping that everything goes as planned - otherwise it could be fairly disastrous.

Thanks for everyone who contributed to this issue, I hope to get more people in for the next one, which will be printed on 11th October...

Friday 10 September 2010


As said by Grandma on Tuesday:
"I'm 89? Well no wonder my bloody feet are killing me..."

The Name

The surname of WILDGOOSE was derived from the Old English word 'wildgos' a nickname for 'a man with a wild disposition'. Surnames having a derivation from nicknames form the broadest and most miscellaneous class of surnames, encompassing many different types of origin.

The most typical classes refer adjectivally to the general physical aspect of the person concerned, or to his character. Many nicknames refer to a man's size or height, while others make reference to a favoured article of clothing or style of dress. Many surnames derived from the names of animals and birds.

In the Middle Ages ideas were held about the characters of other living creatures, based on observation, and these associations were reflected and reinforced by large bodies of folk tales featuring animals behaving as humans. The name is also spelt WILDGOSE, WYLDGOOSE and WILDGUST.

Early records of the name mention Henry Wildegos, 1202 County Suffolk. Alicia Wyldguse, was listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax of 1379. John Wylgose of County Sussex, registered at Oxford University in the year 1582. John Wildgoose married Catherine Garvie at St. George's, Hanover Square, London in 1774.

Over the centuries, most people in Europe have accepted their surname as a fact of life, as irrevocable as an act of God, however much the individual may have liked or disliked the surname, they were stuck with it, and people rarely changed them by personal choice.

A more common form of variation was in fact involuntary, when an official change was made, in other words, a clerical error. Among the humbler classes of European society, and especially among illiterate people, individuals were willing to accept the mistakes of officials, clerks and priests as officially bestowing a new version of their surname, just as they had meekly accepted the surname they had been born with.

In North America, the linguistic problems confronting immigration officials at Ellis Island in the 19th century were legendary as a prolific source of Anglicization.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Pilot

OK, so what can we expect in the first ever edition of Goose Mag? Well, we have an exclusive on Grandma as a mafia boss - very mysterious. Yes, Goose Mag delves deep into her dark past, which is filled with crime and even murder.

Not only is there a four page feature on Grandma, but, we also catch up with Bobby and her cake business. We find out how and why she decided to get into the business and she gives us some top tips. Plus, we talk to Gem and Beav and get their views on life after marriage.

And, we have exclusive articles from Linda, Ray, Ronnie, Gaynor, and Lara - not to mention Dave's joke page.

It's all going on at Goose Mag, which is available at Grandma's on Monday 13th September.